Stephen D. White
Civil Service:
Member of Lincoln-Way High School Foundation, 1994-present, DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) speaker since its inception, “Road to Reality” (high school alcohol awareness) speaker 2003-2008, Citizen’s Police Academy Speaker, 2002-2008
Military Service:
United States Army, 1971-1973; Member, Presidential Honor Guard
- Teacher 1970-71, 1973-78.
- Assistant State’s Attorney, 1978-1990, Chief Felony Assistant 1986-1988, First Assistant State’s Attorney, 1988-1990.
- Associate Judge, 1990-1994, Circuit Judge, 1994-present.
- Presiding Judge of the Felony Division, 1999-2002.
- Presiding Judge of Drug Court, 1999-2003.
- Chief Circuit Judge, December, 2002-2008.
Practice Areas:
- Municipal Law
- Criminal Defense
- B.A. Bradley University; Juris Doctor, Lewis University College of Law, now known as Northern Illinois College of Law
Bar Admissions:
Illinois, 1978