What Is a "Miss-and-Run" Accident?
Most people know what a hit-and-run accident is but may not have heard of miss-and-run crashes. A miss-and-run accident – also referred to as a "near-miss-and-run" or "close-call hit-and-run" – is when a driver narrowly avoids hitting another vehicle, pedestrian, or some object, and that action causes another party some type of harm. What makes a miss-and-run different from a hit-and-run is that the driver makes no physical contact with the injured party.
Even without the physical contact, that driver could still be liable for any injuries sustained in the crash. This is why anyone who experiences a miss-and-run crash should contact an Illinois personal injury lawyer for legal help.
Factors in Miss and Run Accidents
Many miss-and-run incidents occur at intersections, areas of heavy traffic, and areas with a lot of pedestrian activity. A driver may brake suddenly, swerve, or take some other type of evasive action to avoid hitting something or someone and then drive off despite the damage and injuries their actions caused.
The most common factors in these incidents include:
Driver distraction – Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of vehicle accidents, including misses and runs. Texting, talking on the phone, and fiddling with GPS or the radio are just some of the activities that drivers engage in that cause them to lose focus of what is on the road in front of them and not realize the situation with just seconds to spare.
Driving under the influence – Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can impair a driver’s ability to react to any potential dangers around them. Many drunk drivers who are involved in near-miss accidents are unaware of the mayhem they have caused as they drive away.
Fatigued drivers are also often involved in near-miss accidents. It is well documented that lack of sleep can affect a driver’s ability to operate in the same way alcohol and drugs can
Aggressive driving – Aggressive driving behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, weaving between lanes, and running red lights increase the likelihood of near-misses and collisions. Aggressive drivers often take unnecessary risks or engage in reckless maneuvers that endanger themselves and others.
Fear or panic – Similar to traditional hit-and-run accidents, fear or panic can play a role in miss-and-run incidents. Drivers may fear facing legal consequences, dealing with insurance claims, or confronting angry or upset individuals involved in the near miss.
Contact a Will County, IL Personal Injury Attorney for a Free Case Evaluation
If you have been injured in a miss-and-run accident – or any type of crash – you need a Joliet, IL car accident lawyer advocating for you. Call Rathbun, Cservenyak & Kozol LLC at 815-730-1977 to schedule a free consultation and find out how our law firm can help.